Wednesday, January 2, 2013

Don't Seek Opportunities. Seek God.

Mark Batterson post:  The Longest Lever

Over the coming weeks I want to share a few excerpts from my newly released devotional book titled Draw the Circle: The 40-Day Prayer Challenge. The goal is to help people cultivate a daily prayer habit.  Day 35 is titled The Longest Lever.
Archimedes of Syracuse is famous for his quip, “Give me a place to stand on, and I will move the earth.” He was referencing the lever, one of six simple machines identified by Renaissance scientists. A lever amplifies the input force to provide a greater output force. Simply put, the longer the lever, the greater the leverage.  Let me borrow this simple statement and substitute one word: Give me a place to kneel, and I will move the earth.
In the kingdom of God, humility equals authority. Call it bold humility or humble boldness.  That is our lever. If we try to exalt ourselves, God will find a way to humble us. But if we humble ourselves, God will find a way to exalt us. There is no leverage like kneeling in prayer. If we hit our knees in humble prayer, God will extend His mighty hand on our behalf. He will leverage us in ways that are humanly impossible.
One of our mantras at NCC is: stay humble, stay hungry.  Humility is how we get out of the way of what God wants to do. And if we stay out of God’s way, then there is nothing God cannot do in us and through us.
During our forty-day prayer challenge this year, God revealed his favor in amazing ways.  A church gave us their church building without us even asking!  Someone wrote a $1 million check without us even asking!  And we received the kind of news coverage that money cannot buy. The Washington Post ran a remarkably positive front-page story in the weekend Metro section. A few weeks later, the Today Show filmed one of our weekend services, and the segment aired on the last day of our forty-day prayer challenge. Coincidence? I think not. It had God’s fingerprints of favor all over it.
We were seeking any of those things. We were seeking God.  So here’s my advice. Don’t seek opportunities.  Seek God. And opportunities will seek you! Here’s what I know for sure: Prayer is spelled potential and potential is spelled prayer!

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