Tuesday, August 13, 2013

God Absolutely Is

Excerpt from John Piper:  Section 1.7, The Cosmic Outrage, Doctrine Matters

God absolutely is! We believe and cherish this. God is. It is a wildly untamable, explosively uncontainable, electrically future-creating reality— that God is. Therefore, it is a cosmic outrage billions of times over that God is ignored, treated as negligible, questioned, criticized, treated as virtually nothing, and given less thought than the carpet in people’s houses. Being the most significant reality there is, nothing is rightly known apart from its relationship to him. He is the source and goal and definer of all beings and all things. We will, therefore, be a God-besotted people. To know him, to admire him, to make him known as glorious is our driving passion. He is simply, overwhelmingly dominant in our consciousness. All must be related to him if we exist to spread a passion for the supremacy of God!

John Piper. Doctrine Matters (Kindle Locations 340-347). John Piper.

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