Monday, September 22, 2014

Dogwood Winter: Weathering Cancer with Hope

A book written from my mother's blog about her struggle with cancer and her faith in God.

“Dogwood winter,” a southern phrase, describes a brief period in spring when icy weather returns and coincides with the dogwood blooms.
Beverly Grayson struggled for eight years with cancer. Midway, she began journaling online where candid posts revealed thoughts about illness, family, Tennessee, and even recipes. She dreamed of whittling her posts to book length to encourage others that God sees, God knows, and God comforts.
With conviction, wisdom, and humor, she shares personal stories and 365 Bible verses that comforted her. Beverly left a legacy of insights for sufferers and families who face the upheaval of cancer. She will help you—no matter the outcome—live from faith to faith, from scan to scan, with hope intact.

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