Wednesday, February 11, 2015

Church's Mission

Excerpt from Trevin Wax: Why Mike Wittmer Thinks You Should Be a Worldly Saint


Trevin Wax: There has been some conversation in recent years about the extent of the church’s mission. Some say our mission is broad (encompassing the good deeds we do in the world) while others view the mission as more limited (focused on the proclamation of the gospel verbally)? How would you define the church’s mission?
Mike Wittmer: I like how Abraham Kuyper put this together. The gathered church’s main task is to promote redemption by worshiping God, proclaiming the gospel in both Word and Sacrament, and edifying one another in the body of Christ. This gathered church then takes the kingdom with them as they scatter into the world to serve creation. As they do their various callings for the Lord Jesus, individual Christians will have opportunity to talk about Jesus and invite friends to church. These worship services emphasize redemption and send believers back into creation, and the virtuous cycle continues.

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