Monday, February 2, 2015

God's Sovereign Love for You

What’s your favorite promise in the Bible?
For many, it would be Romans 8:28. “And we know that for those who love God all things work together for good.” It calms a thousand fears, comforts a thousand pains, and yet raises a thousand questions.
What does “good” mean?
Who really loves God?
How does God work?
Look at the Book was created to help you answer hard, but critical questions like these. We want you to see glorious, practical things for yourself in God’s word. Whether you are asking a specific question or just needing spiritual food for the day, this tool will help you take the next step as you seek to know, enjoy, and share Jesus.
In this three-part series through Romans 8:28, John Piper mines layer after layer of comfort and strength from this dense promise. If you’ve never reflected on this verse, you will be stunned by its power and relevance for your life. And if you have known it, maybe even memorized it, we believe you will discover new depths of God’s sovereign love for you.

Part 1: All Things Work Together for Good

Romans 8:28 is one of the most important and most treasured verses and promises in the Bible. In this lab, John Piper begins a series of three labs pulling apart the critical pieces in these twenty-four words for understanding and embracing our sovereign and good God.

Part 2: Do You Love God?

The Bible makes promises to those who love God. But how do we know if we do? In this lab, John Piper digs into the relationship between saving faith and loving God. He goes on to show why and how God works all things for good for those who love him.

Part 3: Called According to God’s Purpose

When God calls a man or woman, what happens? In this lab, John Piper draws in several other verses to try and understand the call of God. He explains why those who love God should rest secure in his sovereign care.

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